A 9-Week 1:1 Immersive Journey into the breath, the body, the energetic womb space, and the watery realms of our emotions.

What is Womb Work?

Womb work is…

an invitation into the great mystery. It’s tapping that dark space of nothingness and becoming comfortable in surrendering to the unknown. It’s a visceral descent into the body, the low belly, the lingam, the bowels. Womb work is earthy, involves trauma release and loving up on the shadowy parts of ourselves we may want to bypass. Womb work taps our rage, grief, shame, and unlocks our WILDNESS.

Womb Work is an invitation into our shared humanity.

Womb Work is for EVERYONE of EVERY body because we all come from the WOMB.

This 9-week journey into the body will stir up the ground you walk upon, invite you to release decaying parts of your consciousness, and offer tools, care, and guidance, to nourish you with an embodied sense of safety, allowing you to rise into a fresh and integrated human.

This Journey is
for you if you’re
desiring to…

Tap into your body and integrate emotional embodiment and spiritual practices into your daily life.

Connect to the divine feminine energy within you and experience firsthand the power, beauty, softness, and wildness that lives in your low belly.

Hold a healthy masculine pillar for those in your life as a brother, lover, father, and son.

Understand the Sacred Blood Mysteries, honor the Yoni, and discover greater pleasure and softness in your own body.

Rebalance the masculine & feminine polarities within and return to a space of harmony and joy.

Throughout the His Womb 1:1 experience, you’ll receive:

❥ 9 weekly 90-minute 1:1 sessions with Anna

❥ Unlimited support via WhatsApp or text

❥ A space in Anna’s Inner Prayer Field to amplify your gifts and magic in the world (her prayers are powerful)

❥ A toolkit of emotional release exercises and grounding rituals that you’ll have for life

❥ A collection of practices to release stale energy from the Body & cultivate Eros

❥ Follow up email or text with “Invitations to Grow” for each week

❥ Resources such as books, videos, articles, etc. for continued study

❥ Guidance in developing a daily practice for yourself of coming back to your breath, your body, your center, and your radiance

Each Container is Uniquely Crafted to the Individual, AND as a General Overview, We’ll Cover Topics Such As:

❥ “Tree Wisdom” and anchoring the frequency of safety as the Sacred Masculine

❥ Running erotic energy throughout the body in a safe way

❥ How to have energetic & spiritual hygiene and bring yourself back to your center consistently

❥ Semen retention and feeling pleasure in the entire body

❥ The energetic womb space and energetic yoni

❥ Mother and father wounding

❥ Inner child re-parenting

❥ Masculine/Feminine reharmonization

❥ Boundaries

❥ Honoring & Embodying a healthy expression of the Dark Masculine

When you take the courageous choice to integrate Divine Feminine consciousness your own being, it RADIATES out into our world in EVERY direction. 

I honor the depth of work you’ve already done to arrive at the possibility of saying yes to this journey. I see you. I feel you. I respect you. You are the men we’ve been praying for. Thank you for listening. Thank you for leading the way.

It’s my full-bodied pleasure and honor to guide you deeper into the mysteries of the womb.

With love, your sister Anna

♥♥♥ Love for Anna ♥♥♥

  • Philippe D.

    “Working with Anna is a deeply transformational experience. She holds loving space while helping me release old patterns and stuck energies. This allows me to show up more freely and powerfully in every aspect of life.”

  • Katie L.

    “I started working with Anna after a plant medicine ceremony as part of my integration. Anna created a safe space for me to bring all of me forward– I left every session feeling lighter and stronger. We completed our work with an immersion weekend where Anna created a safe, curated space to work through what was lingering which allowed me to feel ready to move onto the next chapter of my life.”

  • Celena F.

    “Anna is an incredible guide, witness and sister who guided me back to my home, the wisdom of my womb. Through working with her, I learned the power of speaking my truth. With the trust and safety Anna created in the space, I was able to release energies that no longer serve me. I find womb work incredibly beneficial to those who seek to heal (males and females), break the family curses, and shift the patterns into a divine force for the many future generations to come. I’m grateful for trusting Anna as my guide back to my womb.”

♥ Sacred Investment in Self for our time together: ♥ virtual: $3,333
in-person: $4,000

can be paid in up to 3 installments @ no additional charge

Feeling the Call?

Click the Button Below to Take the Descent into Your Womb.